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SDS stormwater treatment systems protect receiving waters from the harmful effects of contaminants such as suspended solids, silts and pollutants.

In today’s climate of hardening environmental and social responsibility, increasing regulatory demands and restrictions place strict quality criteria on the dispersal of rainwater.

Soil compaction has been proven to increase rainfall runoff, while sediment in rivers decreases their capacity to carry water and blocks culverts. This contributes to flooding costs in the UK of £2.2 billion a year.*

*Source Foresight Flood and Coastal Defence Project

Only recently available in the UK, several of SDS’s filtration and separation products meet the world’s most rigorous standards as set in the United States by the New Jersey Department of Environment Protections (NJDEP).

On average it rains one in every three days in the UK although this varies greatly at a regional level


Our range of water filtration systems are designed to meet surface water runoff quality control objectives.

Used either on their own or together in a variety of configurations, these products encompass a range of proven treatment mechanisms, in the process removing soluble pollutants and 95% of suspended solids and increasing the lifespan of any vegetative SuDS systems.

SDS Aqua-Filter

By using the SDS Aqua-Swirl® swirl chamber for pre-treatment, followed by a filtration chamber for secondary treatment, SDS Aqua-Filter maximises the removal of suspended solids by up to 80%.


SDS Aqua-Xchange™

An engineered pollution control and enhanced filter media that uses ionic exchange and filtration to remove soluble and solid pollutants from surface water runoff.



Surface water drains normally discharge to a watercourse or indirectly into underground waters (groundwater) via a soakaway. Contamination of surface water by oil, chemicals or suspended solids can cause these discharges to have a serious impact on the receiving water. Oil separators are therefore installed on surface water drainage systems to protect receiving waters from pollution by oil, which may be present due to minor leaks from vehicles and plant, from accidental spillage or due to deliberate and illegal tipping into drains.

Unchecked spillage of untreated sewage, resulting in ecological damage and potential harm to public health, has come under the public and political spotlight. New legislation has been announced that will require Water Companies to better manage the impact of heavy rainfall events on their wastewater infrastructure and to prevent overloaded CSOs from discharging raw sewage and waste debris into the UK’s water- courses and -bodies.

SDS Aqua-Swirl®

This can be used as part of a complete water management programme, for example when connected to a SDS GEOlight® stormwater attenuation or infiltration system, in order to capture the majority of pollutants. It can also be used to extend the maintenance schedule of vegetative SuDS like ponds and basins.


SDS Aqua-Xtract™

SDS Aqua-Xtract™ is a prefabricated CSO system which provides a bespoke solution for preventing sewer litter from entering into, and polluting, watercourses and water bodies



A69 Bridge End

SDS’s largest Vortex Separator addresses road runoff pollution on busy main junction.

Berewood Phase II

SDS Aqua-Swirl™ protects residential development from runoff pollution

M56 Lymm

The UK’s first installation of SDS Aqua-Xchange™

Need to know more about specific features or benefits? Get in touch with our expert team.