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In the context of a fast-changing climate, water scarcity and reuse are set to become more critical issues worldwide.

Potable water continues to be used on a large scale for non-potable purposes. Continued heavy reliance on mains water will put communities at risk and expose businesses to supply shortfalls, which grey- and rain-water recycling technologies can play a significant part in addressing.

In its September edition, MBS Modern Building Services Magazine compares the big differences between SDS’s On Demand Grey Water Recycling systems and traditional Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) systems for water treatment.

Better understanding and evidence of what grey water systems can achieve is needed to inform policy making and adoption by developers, architects and engineers.

Sam Burgess, Water Reuse Manager at SDS explains to MBS why Grey Water On Demand (GWOD) systems are more efficient, responsive, cost efficient and scalable than traditional water treatment systems, and how they can be switched off during low demand periods.

SDS GWOD systems offer a faster, more reliable treatment process, with SYMBiotIC™-enabled systems providing remote monitoring and visibility via a cloud-based dashboard.

Read the full article to discover how SDS’s GWOD systems deliver reliable, quality, recycled water, a reduced carbon footprint and investment payback throughout a long design life, with minimal maintenance.