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SDS Market Development Manager, Jo Bradley, will be presenting at CIWEM’s one day conference on the subject of ‘Urban Rivers and Streams: assets or pollution pathways?’

This event aims to set out the policy drivers, emerging trends and understanding on the scale of the pollution problem and will focus on delivering cost-effective practice using examples from both the UK and abroad.

Jo’s presentation, entitled “Unpicking pollution in urban catchments to make it more manageable”, will consider the different sources of urban pollution and our progress in resolving them.

Organisations, for whom attendance at this event is especially relevant, include water and flood professionals, consultants, hydrologists and engineers, infrastructure operators and utility companies, government and regulators, as well as communities at risk of flooding, user groups and NGOs, and of course decision-makers.

The Conference takes place on 11 July at SCI, Belgravia, London.

Further details can be found on the CIWEM website.